RBI vide its circular issued on March 21, 2014 has informed Banks of the establishment of the Depositor Education and Awareness Fund Scheme, 2014. As per the directive, the amount to the credit of any account in India with any bank which has not been operated upon for a period of ten years or any deposit or any amount remaining unclaimed for more than ten years has to be credited to the Fund, within a period of three months from the expiry of the said period of ten years.
As per RBI guidelines Banks have been advised that they should display the list of unclaimed deposits/inoperative accounts which are inactive / inoperative for ten years or more on their respective websites.
Click here for details of Unclaimed Deposits / Inoperative Accounts
To activate your account, please visit your base branch (branch where you have the account) with the following documents.
- Self-attested copy of your ID proof along with the original.
- Self-attested copy of your latest address proof along with the original.
- Details of account number / deposit that are in your name and are included in the list above, along with a copy of pass book/deposit receipt.
- A letter requesting to re-activate your account.